Soluciones para proyectos muy exigentes

Project solutions
very demanding

Specialized in public lighting, industrial and sports lighting.
Respaldo técnico

Technical support

Technical Office dedicated exclusively to public lighting projects.


Leaders in the sector in technical innovations: LECology Technology, Diamond, Essence, Efficacy,..

Innovation in technology development that improve the citizen experience

Since its inception, as a manufacturer of LED luminaires we have always shown ourselves to be one step ahead, specializing in industrial and sports lighting and, above all, in road lighting, we take the reins of how lighting can be a transformative element. Lighting becomes an active element of security and economic promotion for municipalities.

We work to achieve
the best product

LEC designs and manufactures lighting solutions based on LED technology with the guarantee offered by innovation and own design and manufacturing control in our facilities in Spain. Our luminaires are certified by independent laboratories accredited by ENAC.

LEC Logo

We have
an excellent team

We believe that our main value is our human team. If we have an excellent product and service, how could we not have an excellent team. We believe that a satisfied and valued team is an efficient team, therefore, we base a large part of our CSR on assuming a commitment that attracts and retains the best talent.

Current affairs area


ISO 9001, ISO 1400, ISO 45001
ISO 50001
ISO 14006
Light+Building 2024 (52 x 15 in) (2)